Dirty Masseur Review

Surfers choose Dirty Masseur as their choice porn site for massage porn for a variety of reasons. This porn site features hot women massaging men, men massaging women and even women massaging women. These hot oil sessions always seem to end in a sticky hot mess as you will find while watching the porn videos on this site that sensual massage clearly leads to sex in each of the scenes. If you’re someone who enjoys jerking off to real massage porn videos, you’ll want to find out more about this Brazzers network site by reading and watching the Dirty Masseur review below.
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The Women
Dirty Masseur is completely packed full of the most beautiful women in porn. It is a Brazzers network site afterall. The women here are definitely hand picked and feature babes with big tits, small tits and everything in-between. Some women are a little thicker than others, but some women are also a little thinner than others, however there are NO BBWs on this site at all. These girls tend to have thick, meaty asses that probably feel really good on the hands while massages are given by the masseur. Some asses are bigger / smaller but most tend to be a “just right” medium thickness that most surfers will enjoy looking at. You will find some of these girls to have tattoos, however it’s not something you’ll see consistently in the scenes.
The women always seem to have their hair professionally done in each scene. Their makeup is clean, flawless and never runny. They seem to be very much into the scenes they’re doing, for example they moan when a particular body part is massaged “just right”. They love when their hot spots are touched or rubbed, making them wet and eventually craving sex like you could imagine. Sometimes the sex is exaggerated when it comes to moaning, but they seem to nail it with their facial reactions during the massage and sex play. Their clothes are very limited, as it is a massage themed porn site. Some girls wear yoga pants, others fishnet stockings and some you’ll see in just a towel at the start.
The Action
When you login to the member’s area of Dirty Masseur, you’re going to find that the videos here show you different types of intense action, which are based along the lines of the massage porn you came here to see. You’re going to see amazingly hot babes mentioned in the earlier paragraph performing in a variety of ways in these massage videos.
Firstly, you will see hot babes getting massaged. Yes, they get rubbed by male attendants which turns into blowjobs, finger fucking, pussy eating or other sexual interactions which eventually leads to sex. You will see female massage attendants sucking, jerking and teasing men on the massage table too, which again leads to sex. Finally, you will sometimes find some lesbian on lesbian massage scenes which include pussy eating, finger fucking, threesome play and more. The general idea of the action found in there is that the people involved in this scene are rubbed and then have sex, which is what we all appreciate seeing, wouldn’t you agree?
Scene locations include massages in the average looking massage parlors, however you will find that some of the scenes here appear to be on staged sets too. One scene sticks out in my mind when I saw a raunchy clown scene where a girl dressed in pinup makeup gets fucked on a table by the clown after massaged. The scene’s set is what I would described as a “scary clown dream”, complete with writing on the wall. Most of the scenes are shot on “normal sets” but the odd time, you’ll find a scene like this with a unique twist to it.
Content Included
Within the member’s area of Dirty Masseur, you’re going to discover there to be over 157+ full length massage porn videos to enjoy right away upon joining. There are also 157+ photo galleries included that provide you with still shot photos of the action taken by a professional photographer. Photos are fun to look at if you certainly desire to. The site doesn’t quite update as much as other sites might, but you will find there to be about 1-2 video and picture set updates per month with this particular pass. To keep you highly entertained, access to the entire Brazzers network is also included.
Video Specifications
This site certainly takes care of their members by offering beautiful high definition quality porn videos for their members to enjoy. Dirty Masseur currently provides videos to their members in 1920×1080 resolution or 1080p HD, as it’s also known as. We are hopeful that this site will update in the emerging 4K resolution in the future, but there have been no confirmed news of this yet. You can watch videos at Dirty Masseur by playing them through the flash player or by downloading them to your hard drive or mobile device in WMV and MP4 formats respectively.
Photo Specifications
Photo quality certainly matters just as much as the video quality does to some people. At Dirty Masseur, you’re going to see photo resolution peak at around 2500×1600. Please note that you must download the .ZIP file to gain access to these high resolution files. Using their flash picture browser, you get a maximum resolution of 532×798 when clicking through using your web browser.
Bonus Content Included
Access to the Brazzers network is certainly included with membership access to this site. Using this network pass, you can browse 33+ amazing Brazzers sites that you can view on your own time, as long as you’re an active, paying customer of Dirty Masseur. Bonus sites include Hot And Mean, Mommy Got Boobs, Pornstars Like It Big, Assess In Public and many, many more! See the sidebar column to the right for more information on bonus content.
Possible Concerns
There are a few concerns with joining Dirty Masseur. The first concern you should note is that there are prechecked / preselected cross sales or offers on the join page. This might result in additional purchasing of extra porn sites if you don’t deselect them. The other thing you should know is that the site updates kind of slowly – however still updates. You are going to see videos and photo sets added 1-2x per month. The only other concern I have is that the high resolution photos must be downloaded via .ZIP to see them in their full resolution. As long as you’re aware of these issues, you shouldn’t be put off too much from joining Dirty Masseur otherwise.
Finally, you’ve found a highly ranked massage porn site that brings you exciting female massage sex scenes. I highly enjoyed this site because of the 157 full length scenes included and 157 photo galleries as well. I think you’re going to enjoy this site because the females are smoking hot, the action is amazing and the quality is phenomenal. While the site doesn’t exactly update as often as it should, you’re going to be very happy that it still does update 1-2 times monthly and include complete access to the Brazzers network of 33+ sites absolutely free of charge. Have a look around yourself after considering the facts in this porn review on Dirty Masseur. Good luck in your search. Join Dirty Masseur Now!
Dirty Masseur Sample Video
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