Link To Us
Linking to My Porn Opinion is quite easy! This allows you to share our site (or a particular review) on your website to help customers become aware of the porn they’re about to purchase before doing so.
If you’re the owner of a site we’ve already reviewed, please consider adding this banner or button to your site. This allows you to be straightforward and upfront with surfers before they purchase membership access to your site by offering them an unbiased written and video review.
1. Save a banner to your computer and upload to your web server.
2. Link the banner to our website or particular review.
Review: (replace site name with the name of the review you’d like to link to – make sure you test the link!)
Ask your webmaster for help getting this button or banner added to your site. It’s a simple HTML code that goes something like this:
<a href=””><img src=””></a>
All you have to do is change the details to match what is on your server! 🙂
3. Done!